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"Race, Poverty, & Progress: An American Paradox" is a book written to explore the impact of socialization on achievement.  "Career Choices and College Life" is a college readiness handbook written to help under-represented students navigate the college application process.  

Book Preview

Race, Poverty, & Progress:
An American Paradox
ISBN 9781714705481


Have you been socialized to succeed or fail in America?  How have we been shaped by our families, communities and the larger society to exist and thrive? This book explores these topics and challenges readers to re-frame success to fit their own narrative.​



Race, Poverty, & Progress has come at the right is a comprehensive work that is enjoyable, informative, and enlightening.


Minerva A. Warner, Author of "Where Are My Butterflies", "No Ordinary Journey", and "Souls of Our Mothers"



Career Choices and College Life

So you want to go to college...where, when, how do you start the process?  This wonderfully illustrated book was written to give young people the answers to those questions and make the college application process less challenging.


Elecciones Profesionales Y Vida Colegial


Entonces quieres ir a la universidad ... ¿dónde, cuándo, cómo empiezas el proceso? Este libro maravillosamente ilustrado fue escrito para darles a los jóvenes las respuestas a esas preguntas y hacer que el proceso de solicitud de ingreso a la universidad sea menos desafiante.



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